Headquarters in the PRC 
Building No.10, 109 Jinghaisanlu, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, the PRC
Principal place of business in Hong Kong 31th Floor, Tower Two, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Registered office P.O. Box 472 2nd Floor, Harbour Place 103 South Church Street, George Town Grand Cayman KY1-1106 Cayman Islands
Company secretaries Mr. BAI Kun 
Authorised representatives Mr. GE Yi and Mr. BAI Kun 
Audit committee Mr. ZHU Lin (Chairman)
Mr. YU Miao
Ms. ZHANG Feiyan
Remuneration committee Mr. YU Miao (Chairman)
Mr. ZHU Lin
Ms. ZHANG Feiyan
Nomination committee Mr. GE Yi (Chairman)
Ms. ZHANG Feiyan
Mr. ZHU Lin
Principal share registrar and transfer office in the Cayman Islands International Corporation Services Ltd.Harbour Place, 2nd Floor103 South Church StreetP.O. Box 472, George Town Grand Cayman KY1-1106Cayman Islands
Hong Kong branch share registrar and transfer office  Tricor Investor Services Limited
Principal banks China Construction Bank (Dongguang branch)
Bank of China (Dongguang branch)